
available in September Learn more about available in September

  • Technical points of garlic safety production

    Technical points of garlic safety production

    First, parcel selection. Choose loam or light clay loam for planting. Second, the appropriate time for early sowing. The suitable sowing time for garlic is September 25-30. Third, choose to grow garlic. Choose the garlic produced in the same year as a kind of garlic and store it under natural conditions. Plant garlic cloves 4 to 6 grams. Fourth, rational application of base fertilizer. The soil nutrient content reached 110.53 μ g / g of available nitrogen, 60.22 μ g / g of available phosphorus, 136.77 μ g / g of available potassium, 8.41 μ g / g of available sulfur and 0.85ug / g of available boron, respectively.

  • When is matsutake available? How much half a kilo? What varieties do you have?

    When is matsutake available? How much half a kilo? What varieties do you have?

    Tricholoma matsutake, Tricholoma matsutake, alias Tricholoma matsutake, Tricholoma matsu So when will it go on sale? How much half a kilo? How do you plant it? It is reported that the picking season of Tricholoma matsutake is usually

    2020-11-09 Tricholoma matsutake what month on the market more less money one jin have which varieties
  • When will tomato seedlings be planted?

    When will tomato seedlings be planted?

    Spring tomato seedlings are generally planted in February, autumn and winter tomato seedlings are generally planted from July to August, winter and spring tomato seedlings are planted from November to early December, and overwintering seedlings are planted from mid to late September to October. Generally speaking, seeds will germinate 3-4 days after sowing, and will grow two or three days later.

    2020-11-09 Tomatoes seedlings when planting spring tomatoes generally in
  • When is the vine sweet potato planted? When will it be available? How much is a kilo? How?

    When is the vine sweet potato planted? When will it be available? How much is a kilo? How?

    Ipomoea batatas, also known as soil melon, sweet potato, radish fruit, potato, potato, etc., is a common herbaceous vine in China. It is widely cultivated because of its rich nutrition and high yield like sweet potato.

  • The most complete summary of the best time for corn sowing and fertilization demand in 2017

    The most complete summary of the best time for corn sowing and fertilization demand in 2017

    Spring corn has the advantages of early sowing, high yield and good economic benefit. However, due to early sowing, the ground temperature is often low and unstable, which is easy to cause rotten seeds. In order to ensure that the spring corn seedlings are uniform, uniform and strong, and to achieve the goal of high yield and high efficiency, today we are going to learn the sowing techniques of spring corn.

    2020-11-09 2017 corn sowing best time and fertilization demand spring
  • Key points of Management of planting Loquat Adult trees

    Key points of Management of planting Loquat Adult trees

    (1) rational fertilization and (1) promoting flower fertilizer. It was applied before budding in September to promote flowering well. Mainly slow-acting organic fertilizer, oil dry + human feces + compound fertilizer. 2. Fat young fruit. After thinning fruit from February to March, the young fruit will grow slightly in spring. Application of rapidly available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer + human manure

    2020-11-08 Species loquat adult tree management key points one reasonable
  • The culture method of noble fruit

    The culture method of noble fruit

    Choose flowerpots: flowerpots choose wooden buckets, wooden boxes or earthen pots with good permeability. Self-made matrix: available river sand, garden soil, fine sand soil, compost soil, humus, plant ash, etc., mixed according to a certain proportion. Pot planting: put broken tiles into the bottom of the basin and sprinkle an appropriate amount.

    2020-11-08 Distinguished people fruits breeding methods abstracts selection flowerpots
  • Key points of orchard management after plums are harvested

    Key points of orchard management after plums are harvested

    1. Apply healthy tree fertilizer. After picking must be timely fertilization, timely watering irrigation, in order to restore vitality, strong tree potential. The fertilizer is mainly available nitrogen fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer can be determined according to the number of fruits and the strength of the tree. 2. Disease and insect control 1. Peach leafhopper. Taoyidian

    2020-11-08 seed plum harvest after orchard management points one
  • Fox breed: silver frost fox

    Fox breed: silver frost fox

    Breed introduction: using the male silver fox with the female basket fox can produce the young fox is the silver frost fox, it cannot be left for seed use, such fox skin is valuable and the price is slightly higher than the real estate blue fox skin. Plush, gray-blue, smooth, Mao Feng Qi, metatarsus with dense hair, suitable for cold climate conditions. The life span is generally 8-10 years, the available life is 4-6 years, the age from September to November is mature, estrus is from mid-February to early May every year, only once a year, and the pregnancy period is 52 days. Qunping

  • When is a good time to graft a succulent plant, crab claw orchid? What grafting methods are available?

    When is a good time to graft a succulent plant, crab claw orchid? What grafting methods are available?

    Crabapple, a succulent epiphyte of the cactus family, commonly cultivated in parks and flower beds throughout china. It is an ornamental plant, often grafted on a ruler or other rootstock to obtain a thriving plant. So when is the crab claw orchid grafted? What grafting methods are available?

    2020-11-09 epiphyte succulent plant crab claw orchid when grafting good have
  • Potassium should be sprayed on cotton leaves in August

    Potassium should be sprayed on cotton leaves in August

    As the content of available potassium (including water-soluble potassium and available potassium) in soil is decreasing year by year, available potassium has become the first major demand of cotton nutrition physiology. When 30 jin and 40 jin of high quality potassium fertilizer was applied to the base fertilizer, due to the consumption of cotton growth and development and the leaching after heavy rain, the content of available potassium in the soil would decrease to the original level in August. In August, with the deterioration of soil permeability and the decrease of soil temperature after ridge closure, soil potassium supply capacity is weakening day by day. If potassium fertilizer can not be replenished in time, it will show obvious potassium deficiency.

  • Recently, the supply of corn stocks in the port exceeds the demand.

    Recently, the supply of corn stocks in the port exceeds the demand.

    Current port corn stocks are insufficient to meet demand. As of August 23, the inventory of the four northern ports is 2.401 million tons, excluding temporary storage, imports and futures corn, the quantity available for trade circulation port storage is 350000 tons. The circulation trade port can be used to meet the high quality of pig feed production.

    2016-01-10 Recently the port corn inventory supply exceeds demand at present
  • Cultivation techniques of Virgin Fruit of small Tomato

    Cultivation techniques of Virgin Fruit of small Tomato

    1. In the northern part of the cultivation season, the seeds were sown from mid-September to early January of the following year, and harvested from the end of December to the middle of May of the following year; in the southern region, the seeds were sown from late August to mid-December and harvested from late November to April of the following year. Second, variety selection of disease resistance, heat resistance, high quality, high yield, resistance to storage and transportation, commerciality.

  • Techniques of fertilization and Irrigation Management of Apricot

    Techniques of fertilization and Irrigation Management of Apricot

    (1) after the new shoots stopped growing from September to October every year, sufficient basal fertilizer was applied, mainly organic fertilizer such as stable manure and chicken manure, combined with a certain amount of quick-acting fertilizer. the amount of fertilizer should be determined according to the size and growth of the tree, usually 30 kilograms of organic fertilizer per plant, plus about 0.5 kilograms of special compound fertilizer for fruit trees. Cute.

  • What aspects should be paid attention to in topdressing peach trees?

    What aspects should be paid attention to in topdressing peach trees?

    What aspects should be paid attention to in topdressing peach trees?

  • Management of orchids in September

    Management of orchids in September

    Management of orchids in September

  • When is the right time to fertilize vine grapes? What kind of fertilizer should I apply? What are the techniques of foliar fertilizer spraying?

    When is the right time to fertilize vine grapes? What kind of fertilizer should I apply? What are the techniques of foliar fertilizer spraying?

    The grape is also known as Pu Tao, grass dragon bead, purple cherry, Bodhi seed, mountain gourd, flowering April-May, fruiting August-September. It is cultivated all over the world. When is it appropriate to fertilize the grapes? What kind of fertilizer should I apply? What are the techniques of foliar fertilizer spraying? When will the grapes be fertilized?

    2020-11-09 Vines plants grapes when fertilization appropriate what
  • Fertilization time and method of Waxberry

    Fertilization time and method of Waxberry

    The base fertilizer of red bayberry is applied from September to October in autumn, the base fertilizer is beneficial to promote root growth, the sprouting fertilizer can be applied from March to April next year, which helps to promote axillary bud germination and branch and leaf growth, and the application of strong fruit fertilizer in the middle and upper period of April is beneficial to promote summer shoot growth and fruit development.

    2020-11-08 Myrica rubra fertilization time and method abstract bayberry Yang Mei
  • Effect of different ratio of fertilization on yield of Rice

    Effect of different ratio of fertilization on yield of Rice

    The premature senescence of rice from heading to maturity will lead to poor grain filling, increase of blighted grain and decrease of yield. There are many factors leading to premature senescence in the later stage of rice growth. First, improper cultivation and management. The planting density is too high, the plant growth is weak; the early and middle stages of nitrogen fertilizer application, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and trace element fertilizer application.

  • When should spring corn be sown? How long can it sprout after sowing? When do you apply fertilizer? How to fertilize? (with sowing time in different places)

    When should spring corn be sown? How long can it sprout after sowing? When do you apply fertilizer? How to fertilize? (with sowing time in different places)

    Every April, most parts of our country begin to sow corn, but due to local climatic factors, we still need to master certain techniques if we want to plant corn well. when will spring corn be sown? How long can it sprout after sowing? When do you apply fertilizer? How to apply fertilizer

    2020-11-09 Spring corn when sow good after how long can sprout